Words From Little Mouths

My daughter, Currie, woke at 5:45am today so I didn’t run in the morning. Instead we met a friend at a coffee shop then went to a playground. We hit up the tennis courts where Currie proclaimed “I can do a burpee by myself”! It’s funny because I don’t think I talk about burpees often, especially since I know them as “squat thrusts” from high school. Apparently, I’ve brought them up a few times…

squat thrust and burpee

She went on to do a pretty good version of a burpee for a 2-year-old.

Then she showed me some more tricks she had up her sleeve, including:

toddler yoga move

toddler yoga

I think I’ve done both of those moves in yoga class!

I want my daughter to have an active lifestyle, but I don’t care if she ever decides to run. I think she’s likely to be a runner because my husband and I both love running, but it’s a decision she will have to make for herself someday. For now, I get a kick out of hearing her proudly say things like “Mommy, I’m a runner!” Or witnessing her amazement with the Olympic gymnastics coverage and saying, “whoa, I want to learn that someday!” when a young lady completes an impressive vault.

I started thinking how words from little mouths explain a lot about ourselves. Things I do around the home really influence Currie. I’m very fitness focused, and it shows through our daughter’s words, actions and interests. I notice my own words and actions more as she grows. I never really counted a plank here or some dips on the park bench as actual exercise until I saw her imitating and realized it really all adds up. I’m not a perfect parent, but I’m glad I can see some positives in my life rubbing off on Currie.

With that said, I finally got my run in the afternoon. We desperately needed groceries and we don’t have a rental car now so I stroller ran the long way to the Trader Joes and packed the bottom of the stroller full of breads and produce then ran the shorter way home. I’m hoping to catch some Olympics coverage tonight!

Do you sneak exercises into your daily life? Any cute stories of toddlers imitating? I love a cute toddler story!